Building Momma-Powered Empires



what we Do

WERKMA offers a range of one-on-one workshops and group sessions to help moms and moms-to-be start their own small businesses. From strategic planning and marketing execution to brand development and customer profiling, we give you the expertise and resources you need to start the business you’ve always dreamed of. Here is a little bit more about our most popular services:


Many of our clients come to us looking for help to build their “big idea” into a legitimate and profitable business. One of the first steps we like to suggest is a business planning session which allows mommas to identify their long-term goals and align them with medium-term strategies and short-term tactics to create a living, breathing plan of action. Think of this session as a blueprint and a way to funnel the hundred and one ideas, issues, and opportunities in your brain into a practical, actionable plan to propel you into business success. No matter if you’re looking to build an at-home catering company or you want to crochet your way into Etsy stardom, a business plan is a must-have first step to take you from inspiration to execution.

Marketing Strategy

With all the ways to get your brand and business out into the world, figuring out which ideas to pursue can be completely overwhelming. With a robust marketing strategy session, we can help you identify your core customers and build a plan to reach them using a mix of traditional marketing, digital marketing, social media, public relations, events and more. Most importantly, we’ll create a program that fits within your budget and gets you the best possible results. Need a website, photographer, graphic designer, or blog writer? We can help with that too.


If you think that creating a “brand” is just for big businesses, think again! With appropriate brand definition, a business owner is able to take her product or service and create a story that her customers feel a real connection to. At WERKMA, we work with mommas like you to capture the essence of your brand through workshops that explore the business’s identity, purpose, objectives, and unique value proposition. We also dig deep into your real, ideal customer to help you make better business decisions based on the types of people that you’d like to attract.