Building Momma-Powered Empires

Marketing Strategy


marketing strategy

Building a successful business (big or small!) boils down to two critical components: keeping your customers satisfied and constantly introducing your business to new people who are in the market for what you offer. Both of these important aspects of business rely on strategic communications, otherwise known as marketing. There are so many different types of marketing, and at WERKMA, we like to break down the category into five key competencies: traditional, digital, social, public relations, and events. Let’s talk a little bit more about each category:


Digital might be all the rage, but taking a traditional approach to marketing can be extremely effective for a budding business. Tried and true methods such as direct mail campaigns, television, radio, and print advertising, and sponsorships can offer new businesses both visibility and reach depending on the target demographic. Remember the days when you would get 20 pieces of snail mail a day and your email inbox was simply a trickle of activity? This is only one example, but having a strategy to take advantage of opportunities that are less crowded than our Instagram feeds and inboxes are well worth considering, especially if your target market is less inclined to be consumed by their smartphones.


Digital is a huge category that generally consists of a business’s website, email marketing communication, search engine strategy, online advertising and so much more. A small business owner’s website is usually their digital storefront and a good one will capture customer’s attention with great information and an easy to navigate design. With the website as a home base, a business owner then needs to think about other platforms that can help them reach new customers and communicate with those who are already tried and true brand converts. Developing a strategy to both build brand awareness and generate leads through digital tools is a must in today’s crowded marketplace. Luckily, we’re experts in navigating our clients through the process!


There is no denying that social media has given small businesses a big opportunity to communicate with their customers. Unfortunately, with so many options and so little time, it can be tough for the average mompreneur to keep their platforms up-to-date on all the latest trends. Creating effective social media content is an excellent way to ensure that the right information is being posted to the right places and that informative messaging is being balanced by fun lifestyle content. Once a consistent presence has been established, additional social media tactics such as contests, giveaways, lead generation, and co-promotions can be formed to extend reach, boost engagement and encourage meaningful brand interaction. 

Public Relations

Public relations is one of the oldest forms of marketing and while its definition continues to evolve, at its core, “PR” is about getting influential people to talk about and recommend a product or service to a wide audience. How does a business owner do that? By working with both traditional journalists and social media influencers to get in front of millions of eyeballs without the use of traditional advertising. From getting articles in the newspaper to contributing regular columns to a popular blog or inviting social media superstars to try a product and share his or her experience with the world, public relations is a powerful marketing method that small businesses can benefit from in a big way.


While digital transactions have become the business norm, there is no substitute for face-to-face interaction. Business owners and mompreneurs have an amazing opportunity get in front of customers through workshops, trade shows, local events, seminars, and so much more. We love events because they offer a small business owner the chance to showcase her knowledge and to build public credibility as an expert in her field. Pairing personality with a pre- and post-communications strategy and lead capture opportunity can ensure that event participation delivers on a business owner’s bottom line and opens up exciting new opportunities for the brand.

While use of multiple marketing platforms is crucial, it’s more important than ever to ensure that crafted messages are reaching the right audience. Often times, a new business owner knows what type of people they are looking to attract, or they have an idea of who transacts with them, but it doesn’t go much deeper than that. As a mompreneur, ask yourself, “How well do I know my target market?”  At WERKMA, our Marketing Strategy workshop will help you to identify your “people” and build a plan to help you stay top of mind by using the platforms that you’re comfortable with and that align with your customer’s preferences and lifestyle. Plus, we’ll be sure to match different marketing activities with your goals and budget to create a robust and affordable campaign for your business.