Building Momma-Powered Empires

Business Planning



Hey Momma, are you ready to take that big idea and develop it into the business that you’ve always wanted? If so, it’s time to get down and dirty with a business planning session to help you identify who and what you need to make this dream a reality. Our half-day, one-on-one business planning workshops will help you do just that, plus you’ll walk away with a fully formulated plan to help you hit the ground running. Here is a little bit more about our process and how it works.

Step 1

We will start by developing a five year vision for your business. Together we will create a map, which will include core financial, customer, internal, and people related outcomes that you will need to tackle as a new business owner. This might seem overwhelming, but don’t worry, we take you through the process step-by-step and help you to identify both opportunities and potential roadblocks so you’re ready when they come your way. From the map that we build together, we will choose a select number of priorities for you to focus on for the year ahead.

Step 2

Once we have a strong and solid foundation for your business's future, we will then participate in an exercise to develop the core strategies that will make your goals achievable. Think of this as the “what phase” where we start to build out exactly what needs to happen for you to accomplish the outcomes you’ve set for yourself. Whether you want to earn a six figure salary in three years or you’d like to ensure that you can step away for a four week vacation with the family every summer, we’ll use this time to figure out the steps you need to take to live the life you’ve always wanted.

Step 3

Once we have developed the strategies that we want to focus on, we will then create an action plan to help us break the whole plan down into bite-size, digestible pieces. This generally comes in the form of a 90-day plan which will help you to prioritize what needs to be done amidst juggling all the other personal and professional things you have going on in your life. We also discuss key communications tactics to ensure that we have support and enthusiasm from your family and friends, as well as potential partners and investors.  

By the end of our one-on-one workshop together, you will have a five-year map broken all the way down into a 90-day action plan that outlines both the long term vision for your business and the short term tactics that will help you get to where you want to be.  After a session with WERKMA, we promise you’ll feel excited and inspired to take that big idea and develop it into a living, breathing business with pride, passion and purpose!

Business planning workshops are limited, so get in touch with us today to learn more and book your one-on-one session.