Building Momma-Powered Empires

Brand Development


brand development

At WERKMA, we like to think that your business is an extension of you and your personality.

Envision meeting someone for the first time. After chatting for a little while, you can often figure out a few things about them. Maybe they are warm and talkative or funny and interesting. They could be shy and mysterious or kind hearted and honest. Most of the time, an initial interaction gives you an idea of who a person is and what their personality is like. That same concept applies to brands and businesses too.

At WERKMA, our Brand Development workshops were created to help mompreneurs develop their brands into living, breathing personalities. During your one-on-one session, we’ll dig deep into your business’s identity to identify its purpose. We work with you to uncover how you want customers to feel, think, and talk about your business. We’ll develop the content that helps your customers understand what they can expect from your brand, how you’re different from others in your category, and what really defines you as a product or service. Then we’ll get down and dirty to identify who your customers really are and what they want from you. We’ll also show you opportunities you might be missing and help you to develop an identity that resonates with the people who are most likely to engage in your brand.

If you’re brand new to business, this workshop is the perfect opportunity to define who you are and where you want to go as a mompreneur. As part of your brand development workshop, you’ll be given a presentation capturing your brand’s identity, purpose, objectives, unique value proposition, and customer identifiers that can be used as a creative brief for any design or marketing projects in your future.

Who is your business? What does it stand for?  It’s time to find out! Get in touch today to schedule your one-on-one session.