Building Momma-Powered Empires


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transforming moms into mompreneurs

Heading back to work after having a baby is HARD. Sure, there are lots of mommas who love the idea of getting back to the office and their careers. But then there are those of us who hope, dream, and wish for the day that we can say “see ya” to the 9-to-5 and finally pursue a passion project that generates steady income and gives us the flexible lifestyle that we need to raise our families. If you’re one of those mommas who wants to take that big idea, fun hobby, or side hustle and turn it into a real life business, you’ve come to the right place.

Now, let’s get to WERK!


Our Philosophy

Transitioning from a full-time working woman to a career and baby juggling new mom is no easy feat. Most of us want to be there to raise our children, but with bills to pay, it’s usually not possible to say goodbye to the daily grind and care for our kids full-time. WERKMA was created to bridge the gap, offering resources, expertise, and inspiration to help mommas create a work environment that supports their families financially with the flexibility to never miss that first step, soccer game, and everything in between.


What We Do

At WERKMA, we offer moms and moms-to-be the resources and experience they need to build the balance of their dreams. From business planning to marketing strategy to brand development, our team offers one-on-one sessions and group workshops to help women and families start small or build big. Whatever your vision is, we can help you create and implement a plan to become a lady boss and supermom who plays by her own rules.


Stories, Ideas, and Inspiration

Whether you’re running a business or taking care of a runny nose, splitting time between roles as a mom and entrepreneur has its own unique set of challenges. Check out the WERKMA blog to find inspiration from women who are successfully navigating business ownership with a baby, toddler, or two in tow. Plus get tips, tricks and ideas from our team to help you navigate the hurdles of both start-up and ongoing business management.


All The Happenings

Building an empire (or an Etsy shop!) and raising a family simultaneously can be overwhelming, so it’s important to surround yourself with a likeminded tribe who have been there and are doing that. Check out our events calendar to find out about what’s happening locally for mommas in business. Whether it’s a productivity workshop or a “paint and wine” with mommas in mind, we have you covered for some much needed “me time”.

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